Some Ideas for Integrating Spreadsheets in the teaching of the Virginia History Standards of Learning

Workshop Presented by Karen Work Richardson at the Consortium for Interactive Instruction annual Technology Conference in January 1998 and November 1999. Click here for another web page associated with this workshop.

Standard of Learning Idea Web Site
5.7 The student will identify causes, key events, and effects of the Civil War and Reconstruction, with emphasis on critical developments in the war, including events leading to secession and war. Election of 1860; population of states in 1860 The Internet Public Library has excellent resources about each President: including the election results. For all things population, check the Census Bureau:
5.7 The student will identify causes, key events, and effects of the Civil War and Reconstruction, with emphasis on critical developments in the war, including major battles. Civil War Casualties;
6.1 The student will explain how, following the Civil War, massive immigation, combined with the rise of big business, heavy industry, and mechanized farming transformed American life, with emphasis on why various immigrant groups came to America. Sources of Immigration Comprehensive Immigration Site:; Once again, try the Census Bureau:
6.10 The student will develop skills for historical analysis, including the ability locate on a United States map all 50 states, the original thirteen states, the states that formed the Confederacy, and the states which entered the Union since 1877. Do the state report and have students contribute statistics to a group spreadsheet. Make a digital chart but also teach the kids the beauty of picto-graphs. The Interactive Map Site:
6.2 The student will analyze and explain Americans’ responses to industrialization and urbanization, with emphasis on improvements in standards of living, life expectancy, and living conditions. Life Expectancy chart; urban/rural population; number of railways I love The Census Bureau! It provides many different ways of looking at America. On-line, check out their Factfinder site that provides community profiles:
6.2 The student will analyze and explain Americans’ responses to industrialization and urbanization, with emphasis on muckraking literature and improvements in standards of living. Number of newspapers I got my numbers from the Almanac. The Museum of News has a great site:
6.2 The student will analyze and explain Americans’ responses to industrialization and urbanization, with emphasis on the rise of organized labor. Membership in Unions Information on union membership: Check out the Infoplease Almanac for other information as well.
6.7 The students will describe the economic, social and political transformation of the United States since World War II, with emphasis on the consumer economy and increasing global markets. How many McDonald's are there in China? I found my data in the McDonald's annual report:
7.3 The student will compare the election process at the local, state, and national levels of government. Compare party makeup of Congress Visit the Electoral College:
7.4 The student will compare the policy-making process at the local, state, and national levels of government. Number of vetoes per president The White House has information on Presidents.
7.8 The student will compare the American political and economic system to systems of other nations, including Japan, China and leading Western European nations, in terms of entrepreneurship, productivity, and standards of living. World Motor Vehicle production Great Web Quest potential: you are an American who want to sell cars in Japan. What do you need to know?
7.9 The student will demonstrate an understanding of the rights and responsibilities of citizens in America by describing and evaluating common forms of credit, savings, investments, purchases, contractual agreements, warranties and gurantess. Use ClarisWorks templates that help figure stock earnings and budgets Web Quest Budget Project:

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