Spreadsheets and Social Studies:
A Match Made In Heaven

Karen Work Richardson, Middlesex County Public Schools
krichard@scwms.mcps.k12.va.us, karen@wmburgweb.com
http://seahawk.scwms.mcps.k12.va.us, http://www.wmburgweb.com

Click here for ideas for integrating spreadsheets with specific SOLs.

Spreadsheets are the perfect tool for studying population, social trends, and economics. The trick is finding the numbers and statistics to create them. My favorite print resource is the World Almanac. Get enough copies for every student to have one and spend time teaching them how to use it.
I also found lots of resources on-line. Some of the government files are in PDF and have to be downloaded, and then you'll need Adobe Acrobat to read them. It's free and available from www.adobe.com. Better yet, your technology coordinator probably already has a copy.

Patty Terry suggested the Ellis Island web site for immigration statistics. Thanks, Patty.

Civil War:

Election Information:
http://www.polisci.com/history.htm Election stats and info on other countries
http://www.umich.edu:80/~nes/nesguide/toptables/tab6a_2.htm Voter turnout 1952-1996
http://www.igc.org/cvd/on_line_library/Voter_Turnout/turnout.htm Voter turnout in other countries
http://www.igc.org/cvd/index.html The Center for Voting and Democracy Interesting discussion of other voting methods

Presidents of the United States:
In this resource you will find background information, election results, cabinet members, notable events, and some points of interest on each of the presidents. Links to biographies, historical documents, audio and video files, and other presidential sites are also included to enrich this site. The Internet Public Library (www.ipl.org) is a good resource for lots of general reference-type information.

American History
http://www.cwc.lsu.edu/cwc/other/stats/warcost.htm Information on costs of war
http://ssdc.ucsd.edu/ More economic data than you could ever want, but not everything is available to everyone

Government Sites:
http://www.census.gov Searchable access to census statistics
http://www.fedstats.gov Links to government sites with statistics
http://www.ins.usdoj.gov:80/stats/110.htm Immigration statistics

Lewis and Clark:


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